Is your System 6 Console displaying frozen screens or squiggly lines during your swim meet? These frustrating display issues can disrupt your event timing, but don’t worry—several common factors could be causing these symptoms. Before calling technical support, let’s walk through some proven troubleshooting steps that often resolve these display problems. We’ll explore potential issues with the setup files, disc storage, battery health, and power supply connections that might affect your console’s performance.

Follow these solutions in order, as they progress from simple file management to more complex hardware checks.



  • Set-Up Files – Occasionally these files can become corrupt. Doing the following could potentially fix the issue. In the “Sports Loading” screen, use the soft keys at the right side of the LCD screen to select “More” or “Disk.”  Select “Disk”.  You should see “Disc Files” and “Set-Up Files”. Make your way into the “Set-Up Files”. Then “Select ALL” and go ahead and “Delete Selected Files”. Then select “Quit”, and “Quit” returning you to the main “Sports Loading” screen. Upon entering the Swimming software, it will return it to the factory settings. You can then manually readjust the Set-Up Files to how you previously had them.

Caution: This procedure has the same result as selecting the “Restore Defaults” option. The procedure will reset the settings of the System 6 Console to the factory default settings, and some or ALL of your custom setups (Store Print Format, Scoreboard Mapping, Lane Numbers and Orientation).


  • Disc Files Issue –  Only if you have tried deleting the “Set-Up Files” first should you try this next tool. In the same “Sports Loading” screen, make your way into the “Disc Files” instead of “Set-Up Files”. The “Disc Files” hold the history of every swim meet that the System 6 Console has operated.

Caution: Before taking any further steps, go ahead and back up the history of the System 6 Console onto a USB Drive.

  • Once you have backed everything up onto a USB Drive you may go ahead and delete ALL “Disc File” information on the System 6 Console. Upon restarting your System 6 Console, the issue should be resolved.


  • Coin Cell Battery Issue – Turn the system on, get past the start-up screen, and make your way to the “Swimming” screen. Check if the present time and date are showing on the display screen. If it is not showing the exact time and date then it is likely to be a Coin Cell Battery Issue.  These are parts we can replace. You may send it in to us for repair


  • Back-Up Battery Issue – When the System 6 Console is plugged in and turned on, pull the power supply cord out from the System 6 Console. If the System 6 Console stays on, you do not notice any changes, and it operates without any hi-cups than you need not go any further. If you notice a flicker in the display screen, or the System shuts off than it may be that your system is not getting consistent power and the backup battery may be the route cause of the inconsistencies. Or the power supply may not be putting out enough voltage for the battery to function properly. These are parts we can replace or repair. You may send it in to us to make the necessary repairs.


If you’ve tried all these troubleshooting steps with your System 6 Console and are still experiencing frozen screens or display issues with your System 6 Console, it may indicate a more serious hardware concern that requires professional attention. We recommend documenting which solutions you’ve attempted and their results before contacting our technical support team. Remember to always back up your meet data before performing any system maintenance, and consider keeping a log of when these issues occur to help identify any patterns. Our support team is ready to help ensure your timing system performs reliably for your swimming events. Contact us with your troubleshooting notes, and we’ll work with you to get your System 6 Console running smoothly again.

Want a new Timing Console? Take a look at the latest addition from Colorado, the System 7 Console or Dolphin Stopwatches.